Home Rebuild
2020-present. Developed permits & worked with city, built garage, added sheathing+exterior insulation, installed multiple new doors and windows, replaced siding, excavated+walled yard, fixed dangerous wiring, installed solar (contracted out electrical integration), full smart home upgrade, insulated+sealed+ventilated attic. All work done solo. Still have to finish 2 sides of house
Godot Action Binding

Website that aggregates data, research, and other information about the Whole Food, Plant-Based (WFPB) diet. ES6, React, Redux, Victory.js front-end with data from FDA nutrition API (processed in Python).WFPB.fit Backend

SWAPI in Rails (Brave Interview)

Godot Lightning
Godot Guns
Scaffolding to bootstrap guns and bullets in Godot 3.Texture Progress of Subunits

Phaser UI

Assembler 2D
Godot 3.0 plugin for snapping 2D shapes togetherBirdu
2D Phaser.io (JS) game published to Google Play with Cordova.jsJASIG
SHMUP 2D game without using ANY game engine. Just good ol' Android/JavaBonkToTheFinish

RePAWster is a Reddit bot utilizing PRAW that reposts top rated pictures of dogs from active dog subredditsBlog